Digital Advertising Agency in Egypt

Strike provides professional services in Digital market & online advertising through helping you getting best results from the least costs.

The best results from the least cost

Digital market campaigns & Online Advertising becomes strong arm not just in Digital market but also in all markets because your Advertisements go specifically for those who search about your products & increase awareness wherever he is: on his phone, tablet or desktop. It is a scale of sales for your business.

Moreover, Strike, as a leading digital advertising agency in Egypt, uses the below methods for advertising on different channels like: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google Adwords, GDN, Twitter .. etc.

PPC Managment Company (Pay Per Click)

Advertisers pay when someone click on your ad & CPC (cost per click) may be a good option if your objective is to increase your website traffic. 

Cost Per Mille ( impression ) (CPM )

Advertisers Pay per 1000 thousand impression & CPM might be a good choice for your business if you want to build Brand awareness.

Cost Per View ( CPV )

Advertisers pay Per video views and other video interactions (such as clicks on the call-to-action overlays, cards, and companion banners), whichever comes first. 

Cost Per Action ( CPA ) - ( Pay per Conversion )

Advertisers pay for each specified action – for example, an impression, click, form submit , contact request, newsletter sign up, registration, double opt-in or sale & Pay per lead (PPL) is also form of cost per action.

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